Alex MacPhail Podcast
Alex MacPhail Podcast
#113 - Thoughts From the Air - 02 - Overnight Success Is a Myth
I'm doing a lot of flying again and recently I thought I would share some thoughts from the air. Today we dive into the topic of overnight success.
It’s easy to want to pursue overnight success. To strike it big. The entrepreneurial personality (especially) is inclined to go big and risk it all on a blind hand. But the truth is, it takes years to cultivate a valuable idea.
Stories of fast growth in business can seem motivating at first. They make it look easy, so you’re willing to take the leap. But aiming for instant gratification will set you up for failure.
When you don’t find success as quickly or easily as promised, you’re left wondering what on smurf you did wrong. What’s their secret?
The real secret is that there’s no secret to speed up your road to success. You have to fall in love with the process and deploy patience. This is what we explore together in today's episode.