Alex MacPhail Podcast

#135 Jon Foster-Pedley - Dean of the Henley Business School

Alex MacPhail

Jon is back on the podcast today! As the Dean and Director of Henley Business School, Africa, Jon has been leading the growth and transformation of the institution for over 12 years, with the vision 

"To build the people, who build the businesses, that build Africa."

Jon is also a passionate advocate for ethical and sustainable business practices, as you will hear during the conversation. He is also passionate about creativity and innovation. He is also a regular columnist with the Daily Maverick. Under Jon's leadership,  Henley Africa has been ranked as the No. 1 MBA Business School in South Africa for six consecutive years, and the highest ranked international business school accredited in Africa for executive education by the Financial Times.

Jon is a fascinating guest to talk with and I have no doubt you will find this conversation enjoyable.

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