Alex MacPhail Podcast
Alex MacPhail Podcast
#21 Kevin Ellis - Helicopter Pilot
I’m joined by Kevin Ellis, a current freelance helicopter pilot flying Medevac operations in Kenya. In August 2014 while on a Medevac contract in Somalia, he went swimming at the beach in Mogadishu.
After body surfing he made his way in and was bashed around by the incoming wave. He felt his leg bump a rock with a sharp pain on his right calf. Kevin put his hand down to feel. He felt something rough and was convinced it was a rock. Then the rock bit his left leg!
He was assisted by locals and received medical care, but his left leg was gone. Kevin had always been a very active guy. The next phase of his recovery was a matter of getting through and adapting to a prosthetic leg.
He was determined to not only walk, but swim in the ocean again, continue mountain biking and of course, get back into the cockpit.
Get in touch with Alex to improve the performance of your team:
- Email: alex@alexmacphail.co.za
- Instagram: @alexmacphail99
- Twitter: @AlexMacPhail1
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/flyingmogul
- Website: www.alexmacphail.co.za